Electric Mobility

Electrification is the future. Get Ready. Get Connected.


The world of mobility is changing. Electric power assist for bikes is becoming the standard and electrification of vehicles is taking off. Another disruptive force is e-commerce and the last-mile delivery network enabling it.

EveryThing Electrified

Connecting bikes, cars, last-mile vehicles and more to improve efficiency and sustainability of mobility tomorrow. All in one unified solution. A unique proposition.

Fully integrated

Electric mobility is fully integrated into both the hardware and our software platform. Monitor usage and have insights in key statistics, such as the state-of-charge.

Broad coverage

Unlike internal combustion engines, Electric engines do not confirm to industry standards making it more difficult to access the data. We support many make and models guaranteeing a broad coverage.

Learning curve

Understand how your electric cars compare to conventional vehicles and plan for future rollouts and deployments to guarantee maximum compatibility. Emerging technologies require advanced monitoring and insights for improved decision making.