Technology Overview

Find out more on how developers can use our tools to get going.

Encryption and Security

At the heart of any modern IoT platform, security is arguably the most important factor. Both our device and the platform have been designed in parallel to create the most secure environment possible. By implementing, 2-way transport layer security (TLS), and the latest in AWS’ security, users can rest assured that their data is safe.

Prevent Data Loss

Both errors and maintenance are potential situations which affect any IOT platform. We have created a platform that uses multiple buffers within the structure to ensure that regardless of downtime, the raw data is kept safe at all times.

Compressing Data Efficiently

With the vast amount of data being collected, our mission was to develop a platform that operates efficiently throughout the architecture. All data that is collected by the device in the field, is serialised and compressed to reduce bandwidth usage during data transfer. We use the industry standard MQTT protocol to communicate messages from the device to the IOT gateway. On arrival, we use a selection of robust applications which de-serialise the data, and work continuously to organise, and generate meaningful information.

We have developed our large data infrastructure to use micro services as much as possible. These are small, dedicated services within the platform that operate for a single, functional purpose. These help primarily in increasing efficiency and functionality, and take advantage of the powerful Golang programming language.

We have developed our large data infrastructure to use micro services as much as possible. These are small, dedicated services within the platform that operate for a single, functional purpose. These help primarily in increasing efficiency and functionality, and take advantage of the powerful Golang programming language.

We make sure your fleet is ready for the future making last-mile delivery connected. ULU provides compatibility with a wide variety of drivetrains supporting connectivity for most electric bikes, cargo bikes and light electric vehicles.